
Bainemo plays some Warcraft 3 World Editor

You may be wondering why we haven't updated in...however long. You may think we're lazy. Well, you're right. But that's not the only reason.

You see, you update a blog when you do something worthy of bragging about. What have we done? Played several MMOs, some WC3. Homework. Regular work. Nothing fun.

UNTIL NOW!!!!!!!

Well, Grozlam still hasn't done JACK SHIT. He does a lot of schoolwork, and a lot of not doing anything. That's because he is boring, unlike me.

I've been working on, of all things, a Tower Defense for Warcraft 3. I'm actually fairly far along. All the triggers are done. All the...unit is done. All that's left is towers. Based on my current rate of progress, I should be done with version 1 within...let's say two weeks. I really don't want to use rapidshare to upload it, but since Blogger gives me no other choice...

I'll figure something out.

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