
guess who's back

oh hey i didn't see you come in

It's been awhile since I've posted, and you're probably thinking that means I haven't been working on my RPG, right? Right! Sort of!

Recently I've experimented with the idea of making my own maps. Using the standard RTP makes my RPG look like everybody else's, and there aren't many tilesets out there. This leaves me with two choices. Either I can draw my own maps from scratch in photoshop, or I can make my own tileset. The first one is a HUGE pain in the ass (as one might imagine), but it allows exponentially more freedom when it comes to maps. However, in order to implement objects you can walk under (such as trees, bridges, etc), I'd have to make those into a tileset ANYWAY. So chances are I'll just be making my own tileset. Though for now I'm just using the base one so I can get my maps and ideas done before I start with the most laborious thing anyone has ever done.

On the actual productivity side, I've basically finished my gem forging system. That's...about it. Not a whole lotta work has gone into this RPG, partially because of my rekindling with Diablo 2 and Pokemon Platinum. Well, Pokemon Platinum is new, but still. Kindling.


Dog Adenture Continues

So, after a long period of doing JACK SHIT for this game, I've started to pick it up a lilttle more again. Today, I put a bit more polish on the first "Hub" area, and unless subsequent tests surprise me, I think I'm done with it. I'v egot some good ideas for towns coming up, but I gotta work through the actual implementation of them, and the puzzles, and so forth. Not to mention the constant challenge of balancing boredom with impossibility when it comes to fights.




Howdy thar.

Finals are over for me as of today, so I'm hoping to get back on track with my RPG, which I basically put on hiatus for the last week or so. I'm finding that the hardest part is balancing out the classes so that they're all about equal without being too similar. It's kind of hard making 3 distinct classes for a game that's going to be largely/entirely single player, since a lot of the unique.. things about classes are contingent on their place in a group.. if you get me. It's also hard making the classes distinct since it uses a traditional RPG Battle system. You can't really notice that the Seeing Eye Dog Class is supposed to be more ranged than the Guard Dog Class.

Balancing classes is easy in theory, but hard when you have to actually set the numbers or whatever. OH WELL

On the song feront, I have notihng. Nothing at all. I had an idea for a song, but realized it was stolen and threw it away. I might keep part of the structure though, like a thief in the night. I dunno. I've had a bunch of ideas for songs. I kind of want to get back into the spooky halloween songs of olde. I heard the Lavender Town song from Pokemon and that reminded me of this. We'll see what happens.


Find the computer room

Yesterday was not a very productive day for me. My computer decided it was going to freeze at random intervals for no reason throughout the day. I threw it into a volcano and it works now, but the lava deleted a bunch of data I had to fix. The good news is I implemented my gem forging system about 30% of the way, and I must say it's pretty cool for an RPG maker thing. The next step is finding a way so I DON'T have to program 2^50 conditional branches in order to implement it correctly. I'm sure there's some way.



Still truckin' on the RPGs. Since we last spoke (?) I added about 20 minutes of playtime onto the game and I'm not even remotely out of ideas yet. I haven't talked to Grozlam today but his RPG is also going quite well. Mine's more of a normal RPG with comedy elements whereas his is more of a normal comedy with RPG elements. If you get me. Needless to say there are seventy billion laughs to be had in each game. It won't be awhile til they go gold (assuming they ever do), but I'll be able to upload a nice little "demo version" fairly soon. I want to give you a taste of the full product and right now it's more of a taste of...barely being passable.

No news on the songs front, although Grozlam made a new mix of one of his old songs. It's barely different, so it isn't even worth uploading to Newgrounds, but it'll have a starring role in his RPG.

The past three days have been fairly packed for me, what with traveling back home up north and doing other...shit. Grozlam's having a smiling time studying for finals. Hopefully the summer will afford us with many hours of productivity. The summer and the preceeding weeks.