
It's almost like cheating

Our RPGs are going exceptionally well. We've both got some fairly unique ideas and are implementing our asses off. So far we've each got 15-20 minutes of content in. This doesn't sound like too much (because it isn't), but it takes a lot of effort to initialize everything. Adding items, adjusting stats, ensuring balance. It's all stuff the player doesn't really notice, but the developer certainly does.

When it comes down to it you COULD say that the more work has been put into a game, the more efficient a developer becomes. The work:content ratio starts evening out. It's something everyone gets to look forward to.


VL Quests

So Bainemo and I started up work on RPG Maker stuff again last night. They're coming along well so far, I guess. They kind of seem like extensions of the VL RPG we were going to do back in the actual VL days.

Mine's called Dog Adventure, and it's about a dog and adventuring.

Bainemo's is called nothing, and is about complicated branches of events.

We'll keep the LATEST AND GREATEST news about these stupid god damned games up here as they develop. If they develop.



EDIT: The song is now available for consumption here


I'm also going to be linking my NG musics here.

I make more songs than there are stars in the sky, and some of them are pretty decent I think, albeit of shit garbage production quality. Anyway, take a listen and see what you think. Like Bainemo, I get less shitty as I go. Anything with the Grozface plastered on it has my seal of approval for a song I considered to be better than my mediocre others.

I'm working on one more right now, actually. I'll let you FUCKERS know when it's up.

oh yeah speaking of music

I have made songs aplenty in my thousands of centuries of life. Almost all of it was made in the past year, though. Call it a phase.

There it is. You may notice that I started out low, then I started to grow. The stuff I made on famitracker (AKA NES music making thing) was kind of...really bad. Then I moved on to Modplug Tracker and made SNES music with samples. That was better. Now I live in Orgmaker territory and have improved greatly. I think you will agree.

Despite the fact that all my songs are hosted on Newgrounds (due to the fact that I have no idea if Blogger lets you upload MP3s or what) I'll be posting when I make new ones here. It's more flexible and Newgrounds is a bunch of techno-loving MORONS. Don't get me wrong, techno has its merits, but it doesn't have all the merits. Those merits belong to the villagers.


Here is a little background info on VL Quest and all it stands for.

Mant years ago there was a website called Vampire Line. It was full of magic and wonder. Then it died due to lack of interest and also because it cost me like 15 dollars a month to keep afloat.

But now it's back as a blog. It's called VL Quest because that's the name of a game we were going to make but didn't.

Wasn't that interesting?

Oh yes, about the actual site. Expect a lot of amateurish music from Grozlam and I. He uses Fruity Loops exclusively, and I uses...all sorts of CRAP, but lately Orgmaker. If you've played Cave Story, Orgmaker is what Pixel used to write the music for it. If not, think NES music but more instruments.