Fun news on the Bainemo front.
I've...more or less abandoned my RPG for the moment. It still exists, I'm just not working on it. WHY YOU ASK? Well you see, I just learned about Allegro, a...plugin or whatever for C++. It has allowed me to program my own games in C++, from scratch. It's quite exciting, and is something I always wanted to learn how to do. It's extremely smile-making literally having complete control over every single thing that goes on in your game, but extremely frown-making having to deal with how obnoxious coding is. I'm learning a life skill, though, so hey. Skill.
Right now I'm still working on my engine. I've got collision PRETTY much down (which was a GOD DAMN PAIN IN THE ASS), and drawing the actual graphics is no problem at all. At the moment I've got a triangle who can slide around and jump. Not bad considering I programmed the entire thing myself. Once I make my engine less horrible I'll be working on actual maps/graphics/whatever. You know, the "fun" stuff.